RM6126 DPS Call Off Contract for Rapid Literature Review: Improvement Cultures - Research 1
DPS Call-Off contract for Rapid Literature Review: Improvement Cultures - Research 1. This procurement was undertaken through the CCS Research and Insights Dynamic Marketplace DPS (RM6126) following a further competition. The Contractor will be undertaking a rapid literature review focusing on improvement cultures in health and adult social care. This rapid review should look at what good improvement cultures look like in health and adult social care services and what is required for these to develop, as well as to consider any potential theories of improvement that may underpin our understanding. The review should seek to: 1) Determine and comment on the breadth and volume of existing research 2) Synthesise what is already known about the role of culture in improvement in health and adult social care 3) Define the characteristics (e.g. capabilities, resource, capacity, skills, systems, process, leadership etc.) of a good improvement culture within health and adult social care providers/services and what is needed for such a culture to develop 4) Outline the barriers to good improvement cultures 5) Reflect on how existing research can be used to inform CQC's assessment of improvement cultures, and how we can encourage the development of good improvement cultures in health and adult social care services 6) Identify gaps in literature to inform further primary research that would be of value to CQC. The contract is awarded for an initial period of 5 months Total Awarded Value is maximum of all charges. Contract Reference: CQC EP&S 025
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1 Possible Competitors