RM6126 DPS Call off Contract for Rapid Literature Review - Strategy Assurance Indicators - Research 9
RM6126 DPS Call off Contract for Rapid Literature Review - Strategy Assurance Indicators - Research 9 This procurement was undertaken through the CCS Research and Insights Dynamic Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing Agreement (RM6126). The Call-Off contract was awarded following a further competition process. The Contractor will be undertaking a rapid literature review a review of what CQC, and other regulators and oversight organisations do to develop and review measures and indicators to determine the impact of their strategies. The review seeks to review how CQC and other regulators and oversight organisations (UK and overseas) develop and review measures and indicators to determine and evidence the impact of their strategies e.g. on the people who use services and the quality of care they receive, and their strategic benefits. To gain an understanding of how they monitor progress including against their core purpose and communicate this information to stakeholders; and what they see as the benefits/limitations of the measures they have in place. Set out the limitations and risks of using measures and indicators to determine the impact / delivery of the core purpose of a body like CQC through a review of relevant literature and research to gather information on what other regulators and oversight organisations have in place, along with interviews with key personnel to gain an understanding of; (i) the decision making process undertaken in developing, using and reviewing measures/indicators in place, (ii) what the perceived benefits/limitations are with the approach taken and (iii) what their plans for the future are.
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1 Possible Competitors