RM6126 DPS Call Off Contract Rapid Literature Review: Professional Judgement. Research 4
DPS Call Off Contract Rapid Literature Review: Professional Judgement. Research 4 This procurement was undertaken through the CCS Research and Insights Dynamic Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing Agreement (RM6126). The Call-Off contract was awarded following a further competition process. We are seeking a rapid review of literature looking at the role of professional intuition and how this informs judgements of risk, and how this can be operationalised. CQC inspectors make assessments and judgements on the quality of care being delivered by health and adult social care services. To do this, they consider all available data on the service (e.g. information captured on site-visits, people's experiences, performance and outcomes data, incident reports etc) using their professional intuition, where they draw on their experience and professional expertise to interpret the data available to them. There is a breadth of existing literature exploring the role of intuition within professional judgement and how this cognitive process can be conceptualised in a way that supports professionals to include their intuition as part of their rational, systematic decision-making. Research also explores the limitations of incorporating this intuition, outlining the potential risks of over-reliance on intuition in place of empirical evidence. There is relevant research pertaining to professional intuition from health and social care as well as other high-risk industries such as aviation, finance etc. This rapid review will help to inform how we should consider the role of professional intuition when considering data to judging quality and risk. It should offer practical learning of how best to capture, codify and utilise intuitive judgements in our assessments of quality of care and when making regulatory decisions. The findings should also help us to understand when professional intuition can be effectively incorporated, outlining the conditions for doing so, acknowledging any limitations of this approach. This will offer the evidence needed to shape the development of tools and processes to support assessments of health and social care services as part of our regulation. We are seeking a rapid literature review of this existing research and relevant grey literature to: • Synthesise what is known about how intuition in the making of professional judgements relating to risk is understood and conceptualised in health and adult social care as well as relevant evidence from other high-risk industries. The contract is awarded for total period of 6 months. Total Awarded Value is maximum of all charges Contract Reference: CQC EP&S 028
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