RM4653 L0850 – Support Provision under The Cabinet Office Mutuals Support Programme – North of England Commissioning Support Unit - Contract
This contract has already been awarded and is published for Transparency purposes. To provide direct and bespoke support to the Potential PSM, North of England Commissioning Support Unit, that is interested in exploring the staff mutual option to facilitate its autonomy by 2016. This contract includes the following objectives: Exploring and fully appraising the feasibility and potential benefits of a mutual model against other recommended models; Designing a 2- 3 year business plan in the context of a 5-year business strategy with emphasis on commercialising products, maximising their value, and the correct pricing of service lines; Enabling the Potential PSM to identify gaps in capability in order to meet the March 2016 target of becoming an autonomous entity. Support and inform potential future policy around the mutual model in the CSU area, enabling government to build an understanding of the practical, regulatory and legislative steps it may need to consider to facilitate other CSUs reaching autonomy by 2016.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors