RMBC-GP-Travellers Accommodation Assessment - AWARD
The Council is looking to secure the services of a consultant to complete a robust and up-to-date needs assessment of accommodation needs for gypsies and travellers for the period 2017-2035. The study will be one of the evidence base studies that will underpin the Runnymede 2035 Local Plan. It will also be used by the Council to make planning decisions on applications for traveller accommodation, and enable the Council to comply with its requirements in relation to gypsies and travellers. The TAA should provide a robust and credible assessment of potential need for gypsy and traveller accommodation within the borough of Runnymede. As well as seeking to identify whether there are any current and future permanent accommodation needs, the study should also identify whether or not the Council needs to plan for the provision of transit sites or emergency stopping places. The study must consider the needs of all types of gypsies and travellers which meet the definition set out in the PPTS. This will include English, Scottish, Welsh and Romany Gypsies, Irish Travellers, New (Age) Travellers, and Travelling Showpeople.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors