Roadmap to a peat-free future for British fresh produce
Background Greenhouse gas emissions from peat extracted for horticultural use in 2020 were 0.049 MtCO2e for England and 0.36 MtCO2e for the UK. However, over 60% of the peat used is imported. Emissions from imported peat apply to the country of origin, so the overall greenhouse gas footprint is larger. The government's net zero pathway includes measures to end use of peat in horticulture to end these emissions. Around 240,000 m3 of peat are used in food production in the UK per annum, mainly by the fresh produce sectors covered by this project. This represents 51% of the professional sector use of peat or 25% of the total peat use in horticulture. Therefore, developing a roadmap to peat-free for these sectors is key stage in the transition to peat-free horticulture and reducing the harm to peat habitats in England. This project has been developed by the proposed supplier and the British produce associations and they are seeking a contribution from Defra to support delivery. Aims and objectives 1. To develop a methodology for working with stakeholders to develop a roadmap to transition to peat-free growing media. 2. To develop roadmaps to transition at least 5 British fresh produce sectors/associations to peat-free growing media. a. British Leafy Salads Association (BLSA) b. Plant Propagators Ltd (PPL) c. British Herbs d. Mushroom Growers Association e. Brassica Growers Association (BGA)
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1 Possible Competitors