Robotic Process Automation Technology Supplier Day
The Four Welsh Police Forces are currently looking to explore the possibilities of Robotic Process Automation Technology. Working collaboratively we are interested in understanding how robotics can work with us to improve our process efficiencies and what benefits can be realised as a result. We are looking for; the ability to share use of robots between the Welsh forces; the production of a proof of concept; business change support and engagement support throughout the process; assistance with the realisation of benefits and ability to upskill our resources to support with the development of future RPA independently. This is a true collaborative project and suppliers would be working with the Welsh forces to develop a joint approach to this new and emerging technology.We will be holding an open day with interested suppliers, the aim of this open day is for information purposes only ,to help the forces develop an understanding of what technology and systems are available on the market and what considerations and limits we would need to consider.The supplier day will be done virtually on the 09/02/2021, due to current restrictions. We will be offering 30 minute slots to interested suppliers on the day , the 30 minute slot will consist of a presentation from Gwent Police ,there will be an open forum for questions for all parties. If the demand requires more than one day, we will look to arrange a second day of presentations with interested parties.Venue: Virtually , using Microsoft TeamsTime slots on the 9/02/2021 will be allocated on first come first serve and a maximum of 2 spaces per company.If you are interested then please email to book a place, please provide the following:Subject Title: RPA Open DayCompany:Name of attendee 1:Name Of attendee 2:Contact Email:Contact Phone Number:Deadline to confirm attendance will be 12 noon on the 5th February 2021NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors