Open in a 24 days
Rough Sleeper Navigator Service
The Rough Sleeper Navigator Service aims to provide enhanced, consistent and coordinated support to a targeted group of rough sleepers with multiple and complex needs, identified as "Target 1000" or "Living on the Streets". This group is defined by the number of rough sleeping episodes and contacts that they are recorded as having; demonstrating that they are high priority service users at much higher risk of developing or sustaining an entrenched rough sleeper lifestyle. This client group, often transient, will be in a number of settings, including rough sleeping, temporarily accommodated or living in Supported Accommodation, dependant on their circumstances at the time. As such the service will be a flexible hybrid of street outreach and floating support. This service will lead and coordinate support to address a wide range of complex service user needs and challenges, amplifying the clients' voice and ensuring a cohesive multi agency approach to removing barriers; often extending beyond the local street outreach service's geographical scope. The primary goal is to provide support and a roadmap into sustainable accommodation solutions to end the individual's repeat rough sleeping
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors