Routine office cleaning
The Legal Services Board (LSB) is seeking to appoint a cleaning service provider to provide routine cleaning of its office premises. Our office is in central London and 223m2 in area. The office space consists of: •28 work desks in an open-plan configuration •four meeting rooms of varying size •breakout seating •kitchen with seating area •small reception space •small communications and stationery room •shared toilets cleaned by our landlord Annex A shows our office layout. All areas are carpeted, except for the kitchen with seating area, which is vinyl flooring. The kitchen has a dishwasher, which is generally loaded and unloaded by the cleaners, though sometimes by LSB colleagues. Cleaning equipment, such as a vacuum and mop, is currently provided by the incumbent supplier. Waste and recycling are removed to the ground floor, via a lift, by the current cleaners. We have a flexible working policy, which means that we are not all in the office every day. We have a hot-desking arrangement in the office. We have been leasing our office since September 2019. The lease expires September 2024. Budget Tenders are expected to be within our budget ceiling of £14,000 per annum including VAT for routine cleaning costs. Tenders are expected to include the following information at a minimum: •A proposed cleaning schedule, specifying the frequency of each cleaning activity, for example, daily, weeks, monthly, etc. •An outline of your approach to quality assurance for cleaning services •A summary of your response to Covid-19, including any changes in the services your provided to your clients. Contract term Start: 10 November 2022 End: 3 September 2024 (end of our current office lease) Extensions: Possible two-year extension, depending on performance and our office lease situation after 3 September 2024. Submitting a Tender All tender submissions should be submitted by 12 noon on 8 July 2022 to
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CPV Codes
90919200 - Office cleaning services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors