RSG Board Support Project
The main requirement of this appointment will be to provide consultancy advice and support to the Management Board for a period of 3 years, beginning 1 October 2024 and ending 30 September 2027. The support should deliver the following key tasks and outputs: - Provision of support services for the annual Board Assessment and Board Appraisal process for the RSG. This should include: * review and update of the RSG Board appraisal documentation to ensure it is fit for purpose for both RSHA and Venachar Board and in line with best practice; * review and update of the RSG Board Induction framework to ensure it is fit for purpose and in line with best practice; * co-ordination of the assessment and appraisal questionnaires and review meetings for all RSG Board members; * providing support during the individual review meetings, as agreed with the Chair of RSHA and Venachar; * production of an annual written report of the findings from the assessment and appraisal process for both RSHA and Venachar including review and effectiveness of those RSHA Board members subject to the 9-year rule and; * feedback to both Boards and attendance at meetings as required. - The above report should focus on analysis of the findings and what they reveal about each Board, including how the outcomes compare to other Boards and good practice. Trend information in relation to strengths and weaknesses identified over the duration of the commission should also be included. Consultant(s) should submit a sample Board report for review as part of their proposal submission. - Provision of support, as agreed with the RSHA Chair, for the annual and mid-year Employee Development and Review meetings with the Chief Executive. - Provision of support, as agreed with the Venachar Chair, for review of effectiveness of Venachar Board and the experience and contribution of the Directors. - Production of an annual Board Learning and Development Plan for RSHA and Venachar together with an individual Personal Development Plan for each Board Member. Where skills gaps are identified these should be as specific as possible. - Production of a Board Succession Plan for RSHA and Venachar. - Provision of one-to-one support or coaching for individual Board Members as and when required.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors