RSSB2006 – Application and training of the TRIZ methodology for analysing key challenges in the rail industry
The intention is to use this work to: •Apply the TRIZ based problem solving and forecasting approach (or other equally relevant and promising horizon scanning approaches) to deliver conceptual solutions, ranging from short term ones to long term ones, to address the following rail industry challenges: oStep free access to and within trains - Optimising boarding/alighting and in-train accessibility for persons with restricted mobility (and all passengers) without impact on dwell times. oTechnology enablers for ticketless travel - What systems/solutions could be designed using portable, personal electronic devices that are expected to be ubiquitous, to enable true ticketless travel? •Provide an opportunity for the KAT team and others in analytical roles (between 6 and 8 people in total) to be trained in the analytical approach used and to work alongside the supplier team on the above challenges/opportunities, being able to compare notes at critical points in the process.
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1 Possible Competitors