RSSB2627 - IMP-RCM Implementation case study for the T1010 XIRCM toolkit - Supplier Day - Wednesday 2nd August 3pm
RSSB is holding a Supplier Day on Wednesday 2nd August from 3pm-4pm at our offices in London. If you would like to attend please email: By 5pm on Tuesday 1st August. -- The anticipated proliferation of available data on asset performance promises step-changing improvements in railway asset maintenance. RSSB project T1010 Cross-industry remote condition monitoring (XIRCM) programme: Phase 2 developed a toolkit to reduce barriers to condition monitoring across company boundaries. The XIRCM toolkit provides parties: •A defined data architecture for data sharing. •A commercial and legal framework for data-sharing agreements. •A good practice guide. •A business case assessment tool. At the dissemination days for T1010, duty holders roundly commended the project and expressed the value of having truly "ready-to-use" outputs. Whilst the T1010 project had been designed to deliver outputs which could be picked up and used, the feedback indicated that industry still faced barriers to this. The proposed work, undertaken on behalf of the XIRCM SG, is to work through a real application of the T1010 toolkit on a current industry project with the dual aims of: a)Providing a case study which can be widely shared to demonstrate how in practice these tools can be used and the benefits of doing so. b)Reveal in a greater level of detail the practicalities of applying the toolkit, potentially leading to some modifications or enhancements of the toolkit. The real examples proposed are the train-borne monitoring of track geometry for Crossrail 1 (XR) and the introduction of the Intercity Express Programme (IEP) onto Network Rail's Great Western route (GW). Once operating, XR and IEP will run trains on a section of the GW, the instrumented vehicles will have the capability to collect track geometry data. These high profile (and high value) projects provide opportune case studies, providing ongoing value to both XR and GW, and supporting future use of the XIRCM toolkit. The project has two work packages separated by a stage gate review. The first work package will assess the applicability of the toolkit to the XR-GW case study and develop a project specification. At the stage gate, RSSB, XR and GW will determine if the specification and budget are able to facilitate the institution of track geometry condition monitoring in accordance with the principles of the XIRCM toolkit. If approved, work package 2 will support XR and GW's efforts in order to deliver an XIRCM User Guide for subsequent adopters of the toolkit.
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