RSSB - Provision of Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) services
Background The automatic warning system (AWS) train-borne subsystem includes a visual indicator unit in the driving cab, which is colloquially known as a ‘sunflower’ indicator. Further information about the AWS system is published in Railway Industry Guidance Note GKGN8675 issue two, which is available on the RSSB website ( RSSB has identified that a significant proportion of the AWS visual indicators supplied by various suppliers may contain tritium paint. Asset traceability limitations mean that it is not possible to precisely confirm the population and component identity of potentially affected indicators or on which trains they are fitted. Required services RSSB requires the following RPA services covering the following: •Radiation consultancy services in relation to documentation for regulatory compliance where the rail industry uses AWS visual indicator Units, specifically relating to the testing for leakage of radioactive material. •The development of template documents to act as industry guidance . •Provision of tailored training sessions for RSSB staff and invited rail industry specialists on radiation protection, specifically regulatory compliance when keeping and using radioactive material. •Further radiation consultancy services where required, for other potential radiation sources such subjects such as radon management, fire detection equipment and issues associated with non-ionising radiation protection. If your organisation has the technical capability to deliver the above please do contact us by Friday 29th of July.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73100000 - Research and experimental development services
38970000 - Research, testing and scientific technical simulator
90721000 - Environmental safety services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors