RSSB2749 - T1166 - Minimising the impact of 'high and tight' platforms on the overall PTI stepgap dimensions
RSSB is holding a Supplier Day on Tuesday 20 November 2018 at 11.00 here at RSSB offices in London. Should your organisation wish to attend please email the following email address with the names of the attendees by COP Monday 19th November 2018: Should your organisation wish to dial into this meeting please email the following email address by COP Monday 19th November 2018: -- A pre-tender suppliers meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 20 November 2018 at 11.00 at the RSSB offices in Moorgate, London. The purpose of this meeting is to: •Provide an outline of the project proposal •Validate estimates of the likely research costs •Provide interested suppliers an opportunity to discuss and understand the draft research specification. Suppliers should be prepared to discuss the following: •There is a budget of up to £75,000 available to undertake a desk-based review, platform arrangement surveys at selected case study sites, an economic assessment of possible solutions to minimise the adverse impact of high and tight platforms, and an implementation strategy. Does the proposed budget reasonably cover the requirements to undertake and deliver this work? How might the outputs change with a variation to the budget? •A definition of what this project looks at in terms of high and tight platforms is needed. An initial suggestion from the RSSB team is this set of parameters: platform thresholds that exceed both 950mm 'high' and 730mm 'tight' . Alternative parameters and recommendations from suppliers are welcomed, including rationales for alternative parameters. •Are there any particular factors that might impact successful delivery of the project outputs? •Are there barriers to achieving the objectives? Is this the right approach, and can the objective be achieved? •Are timescales achievable? How might the outputs change with a variation to the time? 1 Background Following rolling stock cascades and new vehicle introductions in recent years, a larger step / gap distance is becoming apparent due to footsteps on new stock being further away than on the older stock. This is believed to be the result, and adverse impact from a very small minority of platforms that are both high and close to the track position, forcing rolling stock design and modifications to accommodate these platforms. New rolling stock, cascades and refurbishment of existing stock, are being modified to cope with the worst case 'high and tight' platforms for gauge clearance. For example, raising the vehicle body and / or reducing the size of the footstep to achieve clearance at high and tight platforms. However, such modifications may create a worse step gap position at the majority of other GB platforms, and may consequently, exacerbate PTI risks and increase dwell time.
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