RSSB2643 - T1120 - Providing safe electrical clearance at platforms to live electrical parts on rolling stock - Feasibility of using insulated pantograph horns - Tender Deadline Extended to 6th October
The overall objective of this project is to look at the viability of insulated pantograph horns on GB railways. The viability should be considered in the context of the risk assessment requirements set out in GLRT1210 section An ultimate aim is to lead to the reduction of the costs of new electrification schemes at stations. In doing so, there are a number of aspects that would need to be delivered: 1)Provide an understanding of the effectiveness of insulated pantograph horns in contributing to clearance distances and establish what benefit fitting insulated horns gives in managing the overall risk of contact with charged parts of the overhead line equipment. This should also consider the exposure from other live parts on the vehicle. 2)Identify a feasible solution for which insulated pantograph horns can be used in electrification schemes in GB. If necessary, providing a conceptual design for implementing the insulated horns on UK Specific case pantographs. 3)Evaluate the practical options, and costs involved with introducing insulated horns into the operation of infrastructure and rolling stock. Including controlling the risks with respect to legacy vehicles, vehicles designed to current standards and practical changes to future designs. 4)Understand the ongoing requirements and constraints of on-going management of fleets and infrastructure to enable these changes, including: a.Rolling stock operations including maintenance b.Rolling stock cascade/redeployment c.Rolling stock compatibility with the range of existing infrastructure designs (TSI and non-TSI compliant) 5)Understand the clearances that will be required to ensure the contact wire does not move into the insulated area of the pantograph horns in areas where new electrification schemes interface with existing electrification. The main focus of this project is to look at the particular solution of insulated pantograph horns to mitigate the risk of insufficient electrical clearance in station platform areas, however it is recognised there could be alternative approaches. In addition, the project will look at known alternative solutions that have been used to manage this risk. This initial piece of research will explore options for GB to use insulated pantograph horns. Initially this project will explore the use outside of GB of established insulated pantograph horns (including TSI compliant insulated pantograph horns in Europe which are currently available), and consider their effectiveness in GB. In the scenario that these designs cannot be directly transferred, a new design will need to be created for an insulated pantograph horn to be used on the GB mainline. To achieve this, the project will need to consider the properties and arrangements of a GB insulated pantograph and propose a workable approach. It would be necessary to take into account material properties, construction details, operational use and possible contaminants.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73100000 - Research and experimental development services
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
38322000 - Pantographs
31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; Lighting
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors