RTL023P Breast Screening - London
The NHS England National Breast Screening Service currently commissions screening for women age 50-70 years (47 to 73 years where they are participating in the age extension trial ) on a three yearly basis. It also provides screening for women at a high risk of breast cancer, where screening is provided for a wider age range and on a more frequent basis. MRI screening is also available where it is indicated. The service provision will be split into to two types, Clinical provision of Breast Screening which will be offered on a lot basis based on geographical areas. The other element will be a clinically lead Administrative hub. NHS England (London) will wish to receive PQQ submissions from organisations, with the necessary capacity and capability (or a demonstrable ability to provide the necessary capacity and capability) to provide the range of services as set out in the accompanying documentation. Interested Applicants wishing to participate in this procurement must respond to this advert on our procurement portal If you are not already registered on our portal you will need to register see attachment on how to register. Once you have completed registration, you will need to look for “PQQs Open to all suppliers” Within this there will be a PQQ titled PQQ: pqq_29137 - RTL023P Breast Screening . Select this to continue.
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CPV Codes
85150000 - Medical imaging services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors