RWM - 001 - Environmental Assessments to Support Marine Licence Applications
The Consultant is required to undertake desk based underwater noise modelling and assessments to identify if there could be any environmental impacts associated with areas where marine seismic surveys will be undertaken (e.g. impacts such as physiological or behavioural effects on local marine ecology such as fish, marine mammals and birds). The assessments are to focus primarily on designated habitats and protected species at the individual level although implications at community and ecosystem level should also be considered. Assessments should also include wider environmental considerations and ecosystem services if and where appropriate. All assessments should be backed up by evidence and peer reviewed literature to support the conclusions. It is anticipated that the seismic surveys are to be undertaken in up to four inshore areas in English waters during 2022, using standard seismic surveying techniques, and could require four to seven marine licences (this is based on the potential for 2D and 3D surveys being required at three of the inshore areas using different vessels at different times). All licence applications will have to include environmental evidence needed to address regulator requirements and the relevant marine plans to help ensure successful licence applications in line with relevant marine plans. The consultant may also be required to provide ad hoc environmental advice during the marine licence process itself and also to provide support during 2022 when the seismic surveys take place. Additionally aerial surveys may be required in 2022 to support the seismic surveys. Based on regulator advice so far and the activities being proposed, our working assumption is that Environment Impact Assessments will not be required to support the marine licence applications.
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CPV Codes
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors