Sangat II Evaluation.
DFID Southern Africa seeks to appoint a Service Provider to provide evaluation services to the Strengthening African Networks for Governance, Accountability and Transparency Programme — Phase II (SANGAT II). The supplier will design and deliver an evaluation of the SANGAT II programme, tailored to the work of 3 regional governance networks. This will follow an evaluation approach that was set out in the business case and a previously commissioned evaluability assessment and will implemented throughout the 3 year programme cycle. The TOR will include fine-tuning the M&E framework developed in the SANGAT inception phase as well as establishing clear, measurable and reliable baseline data at the outset of SANGAT phase II. The supplier will also provide a small amount of M&E technical support to partners, through the life of the programme, to ensure their monitoring processes are capturing the data required for evaluation. Three main evaluation deliverables included in the TOR are: 1. A process evaluation (network analysis) 2. A performance evaluation and 3. An Impact evaluation. The impact evaluation will only be carried out if the performance evaluation indicates that measurable impact is likely.
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1 Possible Competitors