Sanitary waste provision
The University of Salford (US) is a large organisation in the Greater Manchester region with approx. 17,000 students and nearly 3000 staff and 24 buildings. Sanitary Waste Provision is coordinated by the University's Facilities Team based in Estates & Facilities Division.There are two main campuses that this tender will encompass, both located in Salford, just north of Manchester City Centre: Peel campus and Frederick Road (Allerton) Campus. The Media City campus is excluded for this tender process. Campus maps can be viewed at University of Salford's main campuses have extensive teaching/research areas, several trading outlets, and administrative offices.3.1.1 University of Salford MasterplanIn January 2018 the University's Estates and Facilities Division launched a Masterplan in conjunction with Salford City Council. Our joint approach will link our University campus with local industry, culture and residential to create a city district that enhances and connects with surrounding neighborhoods and communities and helps drive the economy locally and regionally. The Masterplan provides an ambitious framework for the University's continued growth and includes a radical overhaul of the University estate and consolidation onto the Peel Park and Frederick Road campuses, responding to the strategic needs identified within our University Campus Framework. The Media City Campus is not part of the Masterplan. The Masterplan establishes the strategy for development up until 2030. The Sanitary Waste Contractor will need to take into consideration the evolution of the campus. Especially as building such as the SEE (Science, Engineering & Environment Building (£50million) & Robotics Building comes online in 2022.3.2 Scope of Service -The University requires a contractor to provide Sanitary Waste Services to satisfy the University's principal need to achieve a value for money service for through a low maintenance contract. In addition, all units provided need to be electronically asset tagged to enable accurate reporting of KPIs. The contractor should aim to achieve 95% of scheduled service visits and provide proactive reporting of failed service visits.Please go to InTend for full tender documentation:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45232460 - Sanitary works
Status :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors