Save Kids from Sugar Branded water bottles
Children consume three times more sugar than the recommended maximum daily amount - the biggest source is sugary drinks. The average child aged between 4 and 10 consumes around 5,543 sugar cubes a year. That's more than the usual body weight of a five year old! Children might seem fine on the outside but too much sugar can lead to the build-up of harmful fat around internal organs that we can't see. This can cause serious diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers in the future. Because these are longer term issues we also need to highlight the short term issues. In terms of shorter term issues there are 2 clear reasons why we need to be concerned about excess intake of sugars - excess body weight and tooth decay. As a result LCC is looking to promote healthy drinking for kids between the age of 4 and 11 in the region by providing them with a free branded water botte
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CPV Codes
18925000 - Water-bottle holders and holsters
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