SBC CP Slough Crematorium Mercury Abatement and Refurbishment – Main Building Works
The Environmental Protection Act (EPA) required Crematoria to upgrade all their cremators during the 1990’s to reduce emissions of particulate Carbon Monoxide and other flue gases. These requirements did not however address emissions of Mercury. To meet this legislation new Mercury Abatement and, where required, new Cremators are to be installed to allow the Crematorium to continue to operate. Bidders should note that these main building works are to be carried out as part of a comprehensive package of works. This phased programme of works includes: •Refurbishment of the internal areas to the existing crematorium •Extending the upper seated areas •An extension to the main façade of the building creating a more aesthetic appearance •Provision of a new office and room internally •Structural alterations to various locations within the building •Upgrade of mechanical and electrical services including for revised heating systems •Provision of a new toilet block and connection to drainage systems •External environmental works (ramps and associated car park works)
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors