SBRI COMPETITION Circular Economy in the Welsh Public Sector, Designing Out Waste & Retaining Value
To lead the way on climate action in Wales, Welsh Government set the ambition for the public sector in Wales to be net zero by 2030. Delivering services which touch upon so many areas of our life, the public sector has an important role to play in achieving widespread decarbonisation targets. However, this will not be possible without the adoption of circular economy practices. It is critical that the public sector in Wales works with the supply chain to identify cost effective innovative solutions to reduce emissions and enable long term value creation. Moving to a circular economy is key to the delivery of environmental outcomes. Crucially it also has the potential to improve economic and social outcomes in Wales support value-based healthcare and socially responsible procurement. Aligning with Welsh Government’s commitment to reduce our dependency on single-use plastics as quickly as possible, this challenge seeks to deliver sustainable innovations that will address the use of single-use products in the public sector, supporting increased resilience in Welsh supply chains and encouraging green growth and population wellbeing across Wales. Successful applicants, and their public sector partner, will be expected to deliver demonstration and/or scale and spread innovative projects which can evidence the potential benefits, cost effectiveness and sustainability of their solutions.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors