SC21066 - C-Care Green Recovery Voucher Scheme
Kent County Council is leading on a new EU-funded project called C-Care (Covid Channel Area Response Exchange). The project aims to respond to some of the socio-economic challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. C-Care involves 4 English and 3 French partner organisations who are jointly implementing the project. C-Care will provide support to businesses and individuals at risk of exclusion in the France-Channel England area to aid economic recovery.r r As part of this project, the Environment, Planning & Enforcement Division within Kent County Council will run a 'Green Recovery' voucher pilot scheme to provide support to Kent businesses which have been impacted by the pandemic. The scheme is a non-statutory service and will enable Kent businesses to apply for a 'voucher' to implement a sustainable solution or project to help them with business resilience and green economic recovery.r r The voucher scheme is worth around £150,000 (depending on the Euro exchange rate) and aims to support 100 Kent-based SMEs (small & medium sizes enterprises). The scheme will launch in early 2022 and will run for approximately of 1 year (subject to the number of applications received and the voucher budget being allocated) and will provide practical support to Kent-based businesses in several sectors which have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and which could benefit from adopting new green processes and solutions to help them recover and grow.
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1 Possible Competitors