2022Sc Phádraig Cailíní Donabate - Architectural Services for Additional Accommodation at Scoil Phádraig Cailíní Portrane Rd. Rahillion Donabate Co. Dublin
Description of the ProjectScoil Phádraic Cailíní is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Please see attached Project Brief & Schedule of Additional AccommodationIn summary, the project will comprise:Section A: •4 x Classroom incl WC 320 m2 •2 x SET Rooms30 m2•1 x Universal Access Toilet4.5 m2•Giving a floor area incl circulation and internal walls of: 456.3 m2 Section B•1 Classroom SEN Base 453.0 m2•Giving a floor area (incl circulation and internal walls of: 207.4 m2Giving a Gross Floor Area for Section A & B (including circulation, internal walls & stairs) 664.0 m2Also:•Secure Hard and soft play area 50 m2•3 parking spaces Please Note:The appointed Design Team will be required to provide the 1 Class SEN Base in the existing building as indicated at Appendix B below. •The Appointed Design Team will be required to determine the level of refurbishment/ reconfiguration works necessary to ensure the safe occupation of that section of the existing building. •The appointed Design Team are to provide a schedule of the proposed refurbishment/ reconfiguration works including costings for same as part of the Stage 1 submission.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71223000 - Architectural services for building extensions
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71200000 - Architectural and related services
71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
71220000 - Architectural design services
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71210000 - Advisory architectural services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors