SCC Building Belonging Programme
SCC have received funding from NHSE (NHS England) from within their 'The Framework for Integrated Care NHS Improvement Long Term Plan' which is committed to provide additional support for the most vulnerable children and young people with complex needs across multiple domains between the ages of 0 to 18. SCC will use the funding received to test and pilot a service model. The pilot in Elmbridge will bring together a multi-diverse team from a range of SCC, SABP and Third Sector providers who will come together all offering a range of different support available for children and their families but who will all be working together effectively with a 1 team approach under the umbrella of the Building Belonging Programme. We will be working from the agreed NHS England 'Framework for Integrated Care (Community) Vanguard Specification' The families who we anticipate this programme would support are often regarded as not meeting the criteria for existing Level 2/Level 3 current provision as either having too complex needs or not yet meeting the threshold. The requirements cover services falling within Schedule 3 of the PCR's and are therefore subject to the Light Touch Regime contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of PCR 2015 (Regulations 74 to 77).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors