SCF0325 - SENSE: Synergies in Integrated Systems: Improving resource use efficiency while mitigating GHG emissions through well-informed decisions about circularity
Specialization, intensification and spatial separation of crop, livestock and forestry production systems have contributed to climate change and biodiversity loss. Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems offer multiple opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural production systems. Circular systems have been proposed to increase resource use efficiency, particularly of scarce nutrients, in a more sustainable way than conventional systems. Therefore, bringing in circularity contributes to minimizing the environmental footprint of agriculture. A clear picture of potential synergies and trade-offs is required before prioritizing solutions. We will develop a matrix of (existing) indicators for effective quantification of the status of circularity within various integrated system case studies in four European countries (Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, and UK) and three South American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). Contrasting scenarios of carbon, nutrients, water, and biomass flows will be simulated in the case studies through the application of process-based models such as manure-DNDC. This analysis will return the predictions trajectories at farm level to redesign systems towards more complete local circularity within crop-livestock-forestry integrated systems.
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