School of Chemistry: Supply of Two X-Ray Powder Diffractometers
The School of Chemistry requires two XPDs to collect high quality powder diffraction data from a variety of powders which include metal oxides, polymers, zeolites, mesoporous and nanomaterials. - Both of the XPD’s must operate in transmission mode (primarily capillaries, but the option of a transmission foil sample holder could be an additional desirable feature). - Diffraction patterns are to be acquired using monochromatic Mo K1 radiation for both XPD’s. - The transmission XPD must permit collection of diffraction data from 2θ=1. - Angular accuracy, resolution and counting rate must enable collection of high-quality powder diffraction data, suitable for structure determination and/or refinement, in 3-6 hours on each XPD. - One of the XPDs must be equipped with a capillary reaction stage, which is allows experiments to be carried out under a range of different gaseous atmospheres at temperatures of up to 1800 °C. - An automatic sample changer (for capillary samples) for one XPD is desirable and should be included in the tender as an optional extra. - Each XPD must be equipped with a desktop PC with Windows 10 with a network card to enable integration of the computer into the local network of the School. Each computer must be equipped with the software to enable acquisition and visualisation of powder diffraction patterns, as well as basic operations (peak search, background elimination, etc) and conversion of the data into 2-column ASCII format and other formats accepted by all popular software packages for phase identification, indexing, structure determination and refinement, including PDF, Crysfire, GSAS, GSAS-II, FULLPROF, TOPAS, FOX. - The XPD software license must cover either multiple installation of the software (up to 100) or allow simultaneous remote use of the software over the School of Chemistry network.
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1 Possible Competitors