Scoping and gap analysis perinatal mental health services training and education resources to 24 months after birth
As part of the scope of this work the provider will be required to undertake the following activities: Undertake a substantial national scoping review of the perinatal mental health learning materials .e. learning resources, e-learning, blended learning courses, toolkits etc available to support the competence and capability of specialist perinatal mental health community staff to engage with families of infants up to the age of 24 months. This will involve developing detailed implementation plans with recommendations to update the content and delivery of the current training and resource offer for specialist perinatal mental health (PMH) staff. The successful supplier will be required to present a report on the overall findings and evidence of good practice involving: •Work with training providers and programmes to review the delivery format for all existing PMH training opportunities for PMH specialist staff in England. •Perform a gap analysis of training in conjunction with Perinatal Mental Health Competency Framework to identify any significant gaps in the training currently provided that may need to be addressed as part of workforce development. •Complete a national and regional scale training needs analysis to determine demand, focus and level and scope of PMH training and resources required by specialist PMH staff and non-specialist staff to support delivery of the LTP ambition. •Scope which existing training programmes are high quality / quality assured and evidence based with detailed recommendations to understand which existing training programmes can be adapted and/or extended to best meet the requirements of being high quality, quality-assured and evidence-based and how they can be adapted and/or extended. •Develop actionable recommendations for potential future work to improve the provision of perinatal mental health training for healthcare staff in England. •Work with all the key stakeholders to provide actionable and innovative solutions and recommendations, outlining the approach that will be used to meet the gaps in the provision of educational resources. Whilst HEE have collated some of this information through their research activities to support the development of this report, this work needs to be built on in order to obtain information that was not readily and publicly available at the time.
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CPV Codes
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors