Scoping study - Nat Capital costs to estimating costs of INNS
The primary purpose of this research is scope the feasibility of estimating the full costs of invasive non-native species (INNS) through a natural capital/ecosystem services lens. The research should draw upon the latest evidence and thinking to investigate the potential for identifying, quantifying and monetising a broader range of impacts than have previously been considered. Building on this, the research should consider whether a full assessment of the economic, environmental and social effects on human welfare of the impacts of INNS on natural capital and ecosystem services would be practical and feasible, and propose how this may be undertaken. The primary purpose of this research is scope the feasibility of estimating the economic costs of invasive non-native species (INNS) through a natural capital lens. The research should draw upon the latest evidence and thinking to investigate the potential for identifying, quantifying and monetising a broader range of impacts than have previously been considered. Building on this, the research should consider whether a full economic assessment of the impact of INNS on natural capital would be practical and feasible, and propose how this may be undertaken.
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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1 Possible Competitors