Scottish Marine Technology Park - Design of a Heavy Lift Quay
Clyde Mission is a Scottish Government-led initiative developed and delivered by a range of partners across a variety of sectors. It is driving forward a national, place-based, mission to make the Clyde an engine of sustainable and inclusive growth for the city, the region and Scotland. Malin SPV 2 Ltd has entered into a Development Agreement (DA) with West Dunbartonshire Council and Malin Group Ltd which provides for Clyde Mission funding to undertake works required to further the development of the Scottish Marine Technology Park (SMTP) at the site of the former Ministry of Defence Oil Terminal at Carless, Old Kilpatrick. A key element of the enabling infrastructure that is funded by the Clyde Mission is the design and construction of the first phase of a new Heavy-Lift Quay. This contract is for the design of the heavy-lift quay including preparation of contract documents for tendering the construction works and potentially site supervision services.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71320000 - Engineering design services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors