SE938 - The evaluation, review and rewrite of the Equality Standards for Sport
Sport England is a public body and invests up to £300 million National Lottery and government money each year in projects and programmes that help people get active and play sport. It wants everyone in England, regardless of age, background, or level of ability, to feel able to engage in sport and physical activity. That's why a lot of its work is specifically focused on helping people who do no, or very little, physical activity and groups who are typically less active - like women, disabled people and people on lower incomes. Greater engagement in sport and physical activity will increase levels of: physical wellbeing; mental wellbeing; individual development; social and community development; and economic development. Sport England as the contracting authority is tendering for the supply of evaluation of the Innovation and Tech Support Package (the Services). Sport England is seeking through this tendering process to award a contract with a suitably capable Contractor to provide these Services for an initial term of 17 months and a unilateral option of Sport England to extend for further periods up to a maximum of 6 months as a time-only extension, which would be invoked due to any slippage in delivery of the Innovation and Tech Support Package. The maximum anticipated contract value is £100,000 to cover all work packages and the entire contract period. The requirement has two distinct elements: -Work package 1: Evaluation of our immediate response to Covid-19 (suggested budget allocation: £65,000) -Work package 2: Evaluation of 'Wave 2' - further funding for innovation and Support for high growth businesses. (suggested budget allocation: £35,000)
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73220000 - Development consultancy services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors