SEL Hypertension
NHS SEL ICB, hereafter referred to as 'Authority' wishes to commission a Lewisham Hypertension service. By raising awareness of hypertension and associated actions to reduce it, it is expected that the bidder will increase diagnosis rates in the targeted community as well as improve rates of self-management and care. Lewisham has the lowest rate in South East London of blood pressure that is controlled within the age-adjusted range of NICE thresholds amongst diagnosed hypertensive patients (and South East London overall has the lowest rate of blood pressure control amongst the five London ICS areas). At 55%, Lewisham is some distance from achieving the NHS England target of 80% of diagnosed hypertensive patients controlled within NICE thresholds by the end of March 2025. To achieve this target, an additional 8,500 people would need to bring their blood pressure under control (or more if we account for population growth, increasing hypertension prevalence and/or hypertension diagnosis rates improving), within the total current hypertensive population of 39,000 people. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, heart attack, kidney disease, dementia and many related poor health and life outcomes. The health inequalities profile of hypertension in Lewisham is also significant; with those not achieving good blood pressure control more likely to be younger (<60 years old), of Black African or Black Caribbean background, male and living in the two most deprived quintiles. The life-changing impacts and high human cost are therefore significant to individuals, their families and communities more widely. The Contract will commence on 01/01/2025 for an initial period of 2 years. The annual contract value is £50,000, therefore the total value of the contract is £100,000 (VAT inclusive, as applicable). The Procurement process will be facilitated entirely online via Atamis, the Authority's e-procurement portal. Interested Organisation must express an interest via Atamis. Bidders need to register on Atamis if they are not registered already. This can be done by clicking the link below: (Contract Reference: C309762). Please note that any submission of bids by any other means will not be considered. Please also note that this procurement is restricted to Small and Medium Enterprises and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises. The Commissioner would also like to receive Bids from organisations with the experience of delivering programmes for BAME Communities within South East London. The Procurement is being managed by NHS London Commercial Hub (NHS LCH) hosted by NHS North East London, on behalf of the Authority, in connection with a Request for Quotation (RfQ) under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations" (as amended)).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors