SELLIHCA Qualification | National Grid Joins Qualification System for Nordic Utilities (Works).
National Grid has decided to join SELLIHCA — the Nordic Utility Qualification System. The qualification system is scheduled for use by National Grid for active operation as from May 2015. Prior to the publication of this notice a large number of Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish utilities have signed up to the SELLIHCA scheme.SELLIHCA is a qualification system for suppliers to utilities operating within production, transmission and distribution of electric power, district heating/cooling and associated services.SELLIHCA has been established as an industry-based scheme in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs throughout the supply chain for both buyers and suppliers and to ensure that supplier applications are dealt with fairly and consistently by subscribing utilities.Utilities subscribing to SELLIHCA are listed here utilities decide to subscribe to SELLIHCA an additional notice is published.The subscribing utilities will use SELLIHCA for requirements subject to EU procurement rules, but reserve the right to publish individual notices for specific requirements where they deem it necessary, even though they relate to the product and service categories covered by SELLIHCA. The qualification system may be used for contracts not subject to EU procurement rules at each subscriber‘s discretion. Subscribing utilities may use SELLIHCA for sourcing goods and services related to facilities or operations beyond the European Economic Area (EEA).A complete overview of products and services acquired through SELLIHCA is available here as SELLIHCA is in transition to a new set of product and service codes suppliers and contractors are requested to select those as well qualification process may consist of several stages where pre-qualification in SELLIHCA is common for all participating utilities, while the individual utility may add other stages. Some utilities have established extended pre-qualification requirements regarding Language, Personnel skills, Insurances etc. If a subscribing utility considers the information available after the initial qualification stage as inadequate to establish a bidders list, a request for additional information will be sent out to pre-qualified suppliers. The preparation of bidder lists will be established based on suppliers and contractors which have passed the initial pre-qualification, without further notification of requirements in the ‘Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Communities‘ (OJEU/TED).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors