SEND Local Offer on Localgov Drupal
Essex, like all areas in England, must provide a SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) Local Offer website with information about education, health and social care services for children and young people with SEND The Local Offer is a website which provides: • information and guidance about SEND processes • a directory of service listings. The current Local Offer is not meeting families' needs. It doesn't have all the required information; it's hard to find and understand the information that is there. The search function doesn't work well. When families can't find the information they need, it puts a strain on busy teams at the council and other organisations, including health services. For example, families often apply for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment when they aren't eligible for one. When families are confused about the services that are available to them, they get in touch with the professionals they've had most contact with (eg social workers). This can mean that professionals spend time directing families to the right place; and it takes families longer than it should to access the services they need.
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71621000 - Technical analysis or consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors