
Senior Leader Programmex


The Leadership Academy is continuing to develop their senior leader offer to align with the changing context and landscape of health and care. It will be an evolution of the Executive Suite and other existing support and development offers, building upon the learning to date. Therefore, the Leadership Academy is seeking design and advisory input to support the development of the next stage of the Executive Suite and senior leader offers over 2022/23. This offer delivers on the explicit commitments to provide support and development for senior leaders across health and social care as described in the NHS People Plan and is tangible evidence of action around the forthcoming publication of Our Leadership Way and senior leadership competencies. Purpose To support and to provide expert and respected advice grounded in real world experience of the highest levels of senior leadership in the health and care system in England, on the following aspects of the Senior Leader support offer: -Support the development and provide a steer to how the Executive Suite and Senior Leader offers might develop at a regional and national level, based on an in-depth and contemporary knowledge of the health and care system in England, and it's operation, key priorities, and challenges -Contribute to the quality assurance framework, ensuring key and relevant links to national health and care priorities and existing governance and assurance frameworks within NHS England/NHS Leadership Academy -Chair and develop a panel of NHS Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) to act in an advisory capacity and quality assurance mechanism to the programme of work -Build on work undertaken to date with the existing panel of CEOs and the Leadership Academy, to develop suggestions feeding into the Executive Suite and in due course, the broader senior leader offer/s -Facilitate the CEO Advisory Group to act as a resource to broader executive level developments -Facilitate and act in partnership with other collaborating organisations, providing stakeholder engagement with a broad array of senior leaders drawn from healthcare and external partners as required -Facilitate the CEO Peer to Peer support offer, working in close collaboration with a group of volunteer CEOs as a peer designed and led network Skills required -Minimum two years' experience working as a CEO within the NHS in England is essential -Minimum two years' experience working on the provision of CEO development and support is essential, with a demonstrable understanding of the challenges of leadership and the development required at this level -The ability to create and maintain strong and effective relationships with the CEO advisory group and the wider CEO community, based on an in-depth understanding of the role, and the challenges facing individuals working at this level, To express an interest please email This notice is not an Invitation to Tender


Published Date :

10th May 2022 2 years ago

Deadline :

18th May 2022 2 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors