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SEPD DPS for Constraint Managed Zones (CMZs) in Southern England
A Constraint Managed Zone (CMZ) is a geographic region served by an existing network where requirements related to network security are met through the use of load variation techniques, such as Demand Side Response, Energy Storage and generators. These techniques are CMZ services provided to SSEN by a CMZ Provider, however across the wider industry these services are recognised as ‘flexibility services’., A CMZ is an area of our existing electrical network that is or could potentially experience one of the following scenarios;, • Forecast to exceed its firm capacity, where network requirements related to peak electrical demand are met using demand reducing or demand shifting techniques, CMZ techniques do not seek to increase capacity on the network, but rather will reduce or time-shift demand to avoid capacity constraints., • Will experience planned maintenance works, where distributed energy resources (DER) flexibility services could be employed to maintain network operation or reduce the risk of outage,, • Could experience outages due to a combination of maintenance works and/or circuit faults, where DER flexibility services could be employed to avoid or minimise outages,, In the event of outages, DER flexibility services could be employed to aid in the restoration of normal supply by reducing loading or providing additional power injection.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
65320000 - Operation of electrical installations
65310000 - Electricity distribution
31682000 - Electricity supplies
9310000 - Electricity
Status :
Assign to :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors