SEROI+ Smart Villages - The development of planning & evaluation supports to rural communities and stakeholders based the Social & Economic Return on Investment Plus for Smart Villages (SEROI+ SV) initiative
SEROI is a planning and evaluation tool, that innovatively uses ‘peer reviewed’ data-sets complied in analysing and/ or predicting the financial social, environmental and economic returns on investment in monetary terms (using market or proxy values). SEROI+ SV is to be an expansion of the basic methodology focusing on the use of the LEADER programme and the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) model as a support to the EU's Smart Village initiative. SEROI+ SV will refine the existing model to that end. It is planned to implement the SEROI+ SV methodology in each of the LAG regions across the EU, in Italy, Finland and two in Ireland to facilitate the coherent development of the Smart Village concept, using LEADER as a key driver. This RFT covers all 4 LAG regions. It will provide a methodology for replication in other LAG regions and offer a coherent route to realisation of the Smart Village concept and its relationship with LEADER & CLLD.This project proposal will train LEADER 'local action group' (LAG) stakeholders in SEROI+ planning and analysis techniques, and in that process enable the stakeholders to develop and test the utility of the new SEROI+ SV methodology the planning and implementation of a range of interventions in rural areas. The RFT is in 2 lots: Lot 1. The centralised delivery of the training and related supports to the stakeholders in SEROI+ SV partnership on the skills needed to use the methodology and to assist in the project's continued development to address and merge the opportunities of the Smart Village concept and the LEADER programme.Lot 2. The development of a tool (probably spreadsheet or tabular based) for calculation of the planning and analysis elements of the new SEROI+ SV model. References:Smart Village: & CLLD:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90712100 - Urban environmental development planning
72212451 - Enterprise resource planning software development services
71410000 - Urban planning services
30196000 - Planning systems
79311410 - Economic impact assessment
71222200 - Rural areas mapping services
90712400 - Natural resources management or conservation strategy planning services
72222000 - Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
79311400 - Economic research services
79315000 - Social research services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors