Shafts, Propellers, Shaft Seals and Shaft Ancillaries Support Enabling Arrangement.
Parts for warships. Engineering support services. Technical support services. Parts for warships. Engineering support services. Technical support services. Shafts, Propellers and Ancillary Equipment is utilised in a variety of forms across 2x Landing Platform Dock (LPD), 1x Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH), 13x T23, 8x Hunt Marine Counter Measures Vessel (MCMV), 7x Sandown, 4x T Class Ship Submersible Nuclear (SSN), 7x Astute Class Ship Submersible Nuclear (SSN) and 4x Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear (SSBN). The main purpose of this product grouping is the conversion of torque to longitudinal thrust i.e. propulsion of the vessel and includes the following Master Equipment:a. Conventional Shafts and Propellers.b. Submarine Shafts & Seals.c. Shaft Ancillaries.The Maritime Transmissions and Propulsors (MTP) team within the Marine Systems Support (MSS) group is planning to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the equipment management role and support solutions to deliver improved performance and value for Defence. This will be achieved through combining its in-service support requirements for Shafts, Propellers and Ancillary Equipment and there will be 3 lots available as follows:a. Lot 1: Enabling Contract for the Supply, Repair, Post Design and Technical Support for White Metal Bearings and Associated Equipment.b. Lot 2: Enabling Contract for the Supply, Repair, Post Design & Technical Support for Submarine and Ship Seals and Associated Equipment.c. Lot 3: Enabling Contract for the Supply, Repair, Post Design & Technical Services for Shafts, Propellers and Associated Equipment.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71356300 - Technical support services
35520000 - Parts for warships
71336000 - Engineering support services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors