Shared and Contested Values
To purchase inter-disciplinary research into shared and contested values held by people in Wales concerning natural resources and the flow of market and non-market goods and services that depend upon them together with the non-use values about these stocks and flows that they hold, using a variety of economic and social research techniques.In terms of quantity the research will need to address both well-structured econometric surveys of the entire population of Wales and small groups chosen for their diversity suitably spread across the territorial extent of Wales using both sociometric and qualitative techniques. The values in question will be both instrumental and intrinsic, use and non-use, or to use the language of S 6 (f) the Environment Act (Wales) 2016 relating to the principles of SMNR, “take account of the benefits and intrinsic value of natural resources and ecosystems"NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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1 Possible Competitors