SHDF Retro Consultant
It is a long-term endeavour out to 2030 and beyond to ensure our homes are highly energy efficient, free of damp and mould and affordable to run. We see that the industry does not currently have the capacity to deliver this at the scale needed for UK housing stock, and will need both early career and established professionals from a range of backgrounds, to come into the retrofit sector at all levels. We are looking to build both internal and sector capacity through training and strategic partnerships. This consultant appointment is key to that and we are looking for a consultant who truly wants to work collaboratively with us to share knowledge and support us in increasing our in-house capabilities through a flexible approach. As we recruit staff and refine the project, needs may change and we will have open dialogue with you about progress from both sides, as well as any change in scope and approach. Some elements of PAS2035 lean towards an individual or small scale approach. The successful consultant will be willing to work with us to apply findings from individual properties to the wider delivery project, and to find more efficient ways of working through replication and archetyping whilst still retaining quality. Given the scale of the assessments being delivered, we expect to see economies of scale, particularly as the area based approach should mean repetition of very similar properties and the ability to reduce travel times by carrying out surveys in constrained area within a single day. As Retrofit Coordination requires regular on-site presence we will work with you at the earliest stages to develop our programme and identify those tranches to go first which will require an external RC to help you to resource this.
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CPV Codes
71314300 - Energy-efficiency consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors