Sheffield CCG - Mental Health Liaison Service
Sheffield requires a comprehensive Mental Health Liaison service, integrated across the whole health economy operating 24 hours 7 days a week with staff from a wide skill base, with opportunities to work in close association with senior psychological therapists, specialist liaison mental health nursing, specialist psychotherapy, counsellors, co-ordinators, advocacy services, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and the voluntary sector. The service will comprise a specialised, fully integrated team comprising multi-professional health care staff, under single leadership and management, working closely with the acute hospital and Primary Care It will offer all-age inclusive services, including liaison services for children, older people and adults with dementia, targeted at reducing avoidable admissions, particularly for people with complex multiple morbidity including people with personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, learning disability, dementia, autism and Medically Unexplained Symptoms. NHS Sheffield CCG is inviting expressions of interest from the market for delivery of a new, comprehensive, all age, Mental Health Liaison Service. The new service will be an integral in the development of 'new models of care' in an ever changing Health & Social Care environment in which we aspire to integrate physical & mental health; health & social care; and primary & secondary care. The commissioners are planning to hold an engagement session on the morning of February 25th at our offices in Sheffield to discuss the proposed approach with potential providers. ' The engagement session will be held at: 10 am on the 25th February, 722 Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield, S9 4EU, The session will take include an overview of the proposed service by the commissioners and an open Q&A forum where any questions can be asked. If you would like to attend this session please register your interest on our eTendering portal where you will also find a detailed project scoping document. Please note that only two representatives from each organisation will be allowed due to room capacity.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors