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Sheffield City Growth Project
Sheffield City Council is looking to appoint a supplier to deliver the following outputs to assist with our City Growth Project: • A professionally designed and copy written copy of the Sheffield Growth Plan o Using the Sheffield city brand visual with images, graphics and case studies (we can provide access to an image library, but we would welcome other images being provided with the appropriate permissions). o This version should be accessible, or an alternative accessible version made available. • A set of templates using the Growth Plan design to be used for future documents: o A PowerPoint slide deck o A simple Word document • Summaries for the following audiences: public, investors and national/regional government o In total, four summaries are required, one of which would be a very short 'easy read' version o Also using the Sheffield city brand visual identity, but with a narrative that appeals to the particular audience and possibly a slightly tweaked design approach depending on requirements, as highlighted above o We will look to the successful bidder's experience and stakeholder insight in terms of length of each of the summaries. o These should be available on the Welcome to Sheffield site in a suitable format (which doesn't need to be a PDF, although a PDF version is still required) o The electronic versions should be accessible to those with visual impairments, or an alternative accessible version made available.
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors