Shower Ventilation Phase 2 ITT
***This is an award notice and not a call for competition*** Complete works for the shower ventilation phase 2 D and E wings and works to the BMI and shower ventilation system. Refurbish recently completed shower rooms and make good any existing damage. Works will involve replacing existing shower extract fans units plus modifications to existing cell extract units, which serve both cell & smaller wing showers rooms in terms of upgrading existing constant drive motors to Variable speed motors. All works is to be carried out in accordance with IDT outline specification, which will include modifications to existing electrical & BMS services including firealarm, existing extract ductwork, plus supply and installation of LTHW fresh air make up fans within North end main shower rooms. No Fresh air intake is intended to be installed within smaller shower rooms served by cell extract system, due to insufficient space to locate fresh air LTHW units, which is currently being provided by existing door ventilation grills. Minor fabric repair works will also be required in some of the recently refurbished shower rooms.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45331210 - Ventilation installation work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors