SIAM Operating Model Design
FSP Withdrawal Partner - Undertake an IT Operating Model assessment and redesign by: •Understanding the scope, scale and complexity of CQC requirements as compared with the Mozaic standard services framework to determine any requirements that make CQC IT unique •Understanding the capability, maturity, cost and performance of CQC's current delivery •Agreeing key principles to underpin the target operating model •Analysing options around key decisions to include: oWhether unique requirements remain valid oWhere services are best delivered by the internal teams or where benefit would be achieved through sourcing from the market oWhere services are best delivered within region or specific business function or where they are best standardised and delivered from a central capability oThe level of disaggregation and best style of delivery for sourced services, to include where competitive tension might be introduced, the number and scope of suppliers to be procured in any service area, and where true commoditised services can be introduced •Identifying key measures to determine the value of the benefits for each option, covering both financial and performance metrics •Agreeing the revised target operating model (TOM) to form the basis of the case for change •Understanding the portfolio of change and developing a high-level road map for implementation of the TOM and other potential investments •Refining and baselining the TOM, delivery plan
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1 Possible Competitors