SLaMT2016-025 - Bethlem LV Switchgear Project
The purpose of this project is to: Replace substation A LV switchboard complete with mains synchronising capability and temporary generator connection facility. Provide a mains/generator changeover switchboard in LV switch room D complete with mains synchronising capability and temporary generator connection facility. Provide a temporary generator connection facility on the substation B LV switchboard. Amend the changeover controls on substation B LV switchboard to allow mains synchronising. Replace existing generator controls for substation A, B and D to allow mains synchronising and power export. Provide facilities for Demand Response remote starting and connection of generators in substations A, B and D and metering of generator output energy and system conditions. Provide remote monitoring and metering facilities from substations A, B and D to building 27.
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1 Possible Competitors