SLC - Independent Advice & Information Service on Self-Directed Support
South Lanarkshire Council (the Council) have a future service requirement for a locally based service to provide independent advice and information to members of the public regarding all aspects of Self-Directed Support, including information about the legislation and the four options available under The Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013. The service will include: - a sign-posting facility to direct the supported person to resources that will assist in the meeting of outcomes - the provision of information, support and advice in response to eligible referrals that will assist the individual to consider and understand the four options available to them - participation where requested in the support planning process - assistance to those supported persons that choose to employ staff to do so effectively and lawfully; and including support to the individual to access legal and payroll support - an Individual Service Fund management service that will be accessible to eligible individuals that choose an Individual Service Fund under Option 2 to fund all or some of their care and support package. This will include the management of prepaid card accounts The Council is considering a contract length of 5 years with the option to extend by a further 2 years subject to supplier performance, financial standing and availability of funding.
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors