
Small-scale Electrical Grid (Transmission and Distribution) for Cybersecurity Training and Demonstra


Title: Small-scale Electrical Grid (Transmission and Distribution) for Cybersecurity Training and DemonstrationsAbstract:Cardiff University are looking to create a laboratory based small-scale electrical grid consisting of Transmission and Distribution substation for cybersecurity training and demonstration purposes. The system should have the following features:-The Electric Transmission Platform that gets the power from the Generation (mains/tesla battery/solar/wind) and demonstrate single-bus line electrical design transmission model providing power to the distribution substation.-The Electric Distribution platform that gets the power from the Transmission model must provide power to different small-scale testbeds such as railways, smart building management systems and others.-The equipment must be fully certified and Health & Safety compliant.For more information, please check Full Notice or contact Information Text:The Electric Transmission Platform can be an aluminium rack comprised of 80/20 T-Slot aluminium and ICS equipment representing a fully functional ICS model. The platform input can be a single 220V AC power connection and one network connection. The platform can be used as a standalone process controlled by the local HMI or the platform can be connected to virtual servers to access the business network computers, networking equipment and an engineering workstation to run a remote HMI. The conceptual layout for the Electric Transmission Platform can include horn gap switches, disconnect switches, and gas circuit breakers (to direct the electricity through the grid). The platform can have operational transformers to increase/decrease the voltage (5/12/24/48V) for continuation through the rest of the “electric grid”, the platform must be configured to simulate different voltage levels. The power source to the platform (simulating the power generation plant) is provided by commercial electricity at the hosting location (It could be mains powered or power source via electric generation (wind/solar/tesla battery)). The opening/closing of the applicable switches, and breakers can be controlled manually or through automated controllers accessible through an HMI.The Electric Distribution Platform can be an aluminium rack comprised of 80/20 T-Slot aluminium and ICS equipment representing a fully functional ICS model. The platform can have a single 220V AC power connection and one network connection. Dimensions for the skid are as follows – 8’ W x 6’ H x 2’ D. The substation is connected to a sub transmission line via a single supply line. The supply line should power the skid and can go through two step-down transformers that supply the distribution substation with its voltage. After the transformers, the station can be configured with two main breakers and a tiebreaker that feed the station’s bus. This configuration can allow the station to be fed with either a single or double ended feed for maintenance or outage reasons. Off the station’s bus, there can be four feeder breakers configured with hardware that will facilitate power distribution to additional sector platforms or loads. The integration of such devices must enable the capability of dropping power to a load. Each of the breaker devices can provides status and control to the SCADA through either a controller input/output or through a protective relay.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

16th Nov 2023 1 year ago

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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Region :

North Region

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Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

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Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors