Smart Metering Non-Domestic Early Learning Research.
Research and development services and related consultancy services. Research services. DECC is looking for a contractor to undertake primary research with non-domestic organisations and associated actors to improve our evidence base on how and why smart meter data is/is not being used for energy management in relation to non-domestic organisations; and the pathways, enablers and barriers to energy saving using such data.The research is expected to take a theory based approach, guided by a theoretical framework which will be separately developed by DECC, with assistance from an external advisor. The research should be focused around gaining an in-depth understanding into the relevant environment and context for smart metering in different types or ‘clusters’ of non-domestic sites. The project is expected to involve a case study approach and primarily qualitative research methods. It will also involve further developing and operationalising DECC's initial work on the development of typology of different clusters of sites to use for the current research project. At a later stage following further development, the aim is for this typology to be used to help guide future evaluation research and potentially for policy targeting.
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors