Smart Speakers: functionalities, workflows, data and privacy issues
The Technology, Data and Innovation Group (TDIG) is responsible for ensuring that Ofcom is fully informed of the latest technological innovations. As part of this, we are responsible for understanding the technologies that are deployed on online platforms and how this is likely to evolve in the future, as input to our policies and our operational approach to regulating these services. We also work within Ofcom's duties to enable and encourage innovation and appropriate technical standards. Smart speakers and other devices with in-built voice assistants are becoming an integral part of many people's homes and lives. Smart speakers are owned or used by a third of all UK adults and account for 6% of all audio consumption. 64% of audio consumed on a smart speaker is live radio. These devices support a range of online and domestic services such as search, tv/radio services, online shopping and the management of smart home devices. Smart Speakers have a particularly important role to play in the lives of people who do not like using traditional interfaces and could play even more significant role in the lives of the elderly or incapacitated. Smart speakers offer new ways of accessing and engaging with technology which are human-like and more flexible when compared with other consumer devices. Ofcom is interested in understanding how smart speakers work and interact with other elements of their ecosystem. We expect this research to improve our understanding of the technology supporting the delivery of services on smart speakers, especially understanding of the access that various content providers have to the UK audience. We expect that our findings from this project will further facilitate the discharge of our imminent duties in the regulation of online harms.
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