SME Business Growth Consultancy Preferred Supplier List
This RFT is for inclusion onto the preferred supplier list for supply of Business Growth Consultancy services to assist beneficiary SME companies ("Target SMEs") enrolled on the Propel2Grow (continuation) programme to enable businesses to identify and enact business growth initiatives which have the potential to improve GVA, job creation or launch new to firm products or services. The nature of business growth consultancy can by its nature be diverse and we welcome applications from consultancy businesses that have a track record in any of the following specialisms (or any other business support consultancy that can be realistically aligned to the company achieving sustained growth): •Leadership development •Business strategy •Vision, mission and values planning •Employee engagement •Cultural shift and readiness for change •People and talent development •Resource efficiency and effectiveness •Marketing strategy, planning and implementation •Sales and/or service strategy and implementation •Optimisation of IT and Digital tools to enable growth / improve efficiency or effectiveness •Innovation and ideation •Development of new products - product lifecycle planning, prototyping, market testing •Business Process Re-engineering e.g. to to improve efficiency, reduce error or waste •Financial management and control
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors